Sea of Life

As a child, one of my favorite things to do was grab a coloring book and my big box of Crayola crayons and color. I was that child that always colored within the lines. It suited my little personality that became an adult and colored within the lines of my life. Yep, I’m a rule follower for the most part. I have on occasion rebelled at what I consider “stupid rules” but I’m mostly that person that will follow the signs and not step off the path.

My career was in accounting and bookkeeping. I sort of fell into that and it worked with my precise, rule following self. When I began painting nine years ago, I was that same little girl who meticulously colored within the lines.

As I’ve painted more, I’ve tried to loosen up, but I admit, it’s still hard for me most days. But there is a style of painting I do on occasion that frees me of my staying within the lines. I call it “intuitive painting” because I let my feelings, my intuition lead me every step of the way. It’s like I’m listening for each brush stroke without trying to represent anything. Some times this just turns into a mess, but other times, I swear, it’s like the heavens open up and hand me each stroke of the brush. I don’t even feel like it’s coming from me.

This is what happened the day I painted the tiny trio of paintings below. When I began, my only intention was to create some sort of very abstract landscape. But early into the painting it turned from a landscape to a seascape. I painted all three of these at the same time as I like to do with these types of paintings. It frees me even more as I say to myself, maybe something good will happen to one. So I’m really just playing; listening and letting myself play with the paint.

I don’t remember my thought process exactly, but the marks that were going on the canvases all started to look vaguely like boats at sea. So I added some sails and kept going. Once I finished, I really liked all three of them. I immediately saw three sailboats on a furious ocean.

I have all three framed and sitting in my study and find myself staring at them a lot. Not to admire my art. To me these three are way more than color on a canvas. They speak to me of life, and I want to share with you what they say to me.

Painting one, “Storm Coming.” The boat represents me or any other person who is alive on the planet. You’re sailing along on calm seas and suddenly you see storm clouds. The wind and waves pick up making your footing unsure. You sense rough days ahead. Notice the rain that is right behind the boat.

Painting two, “In the Midst of the Storm.” Now the sky is black and the storm is directly overhead. It takes everything you’ve got to just hold on and get through this dark night of the soul experience. You don’t know if you’ll make it, but just when you think you are going to be plunged down into the depths or the ocean …

Painting three, “After the storm.” Just as you are about to lose hope, there is a sliver of light. The wind and waves start to subside and you can loosen your grip a bit. The sun comes out and you’re still a little wobbly but you know you’ll be okay. And because you went through the storm, you are not the same. You are now stronger than before. Notice how much bigger the sail is here. The experience may have taken something from you, but it also gave something back. You may not stand exactly the same as before, (the ship is leaning) but because you have faced the trauma and have come out on the other side, you know you can face the next storm while hoping it is a long time away. You are looking forward to smooth sailing ahead for as long as life allows.

I truly feel that these three paintings were handed to me. I must give credit to someone or something outside of myself. God, Jesus, angels, or the muse that is talked about so often when people create. Whoever or whatever it was, message taken. Thank you!

Art is therapy to me, and to anyone who will let their creativity come out and play. Whether you paint, play an instrument, dance, sculpt or something else, I hope you will allow that beautiful “thing” inside of you that wants to create come out and play!

Oh and btw, the originals aren’t for sale, but if anyone would like prints, they are available.

Connie Wyatt

Fine artist and nature photographer.

Be Still


New Studio!