What’s for Supper?

This is a question that is asked often here at the Wyatt house. What do you want for supper? It always goes something like, I don’t know, what do you want? Somehow we always end up with something, but the struggle is real. Why is something like a simple meal such a difficult decision?

We are blessed to have this choice. I mean we could be so poor that we did not have a choice at all. Maybe we either didn’t eat, or only had a slice of bread to eat that night. That would take away any choice - we eat a slice of bread. Fortunately, most of us don’t have this problem, yet we complain about the choosing. Same with TV channels. I’m old and as many of you younger people get tired of hearing us “old folks” talk about the days of only three channels - or four if you count channel 16. But really it seemed like it was so much easier to decide on what to watch when our choices were limited.

Now we have dozens of channels on regular tv, and then many streaming apps that offer literally thousands of choices. Jimmy and I have gone thirty minutes or more just searching through the options to see what to watch. Life was simpler when we only had three.

So where am I going with this? I believe life has gotten to be overly complicated with our choices. In the not so distant past, people didn’t have screens to watch. They couldn’t plug in to their favorite show or video game or podcast or audible app or go through emails and I could keep going forever with this. I believe there is something to be said of a time where people sat in a room together, maybe by a fire at night and told a story, or read from a book to family. This was their entertainment and they did it together. They were with each other. Maybe it’s just me, but it makes me feel good inside to just think about that. And it almost NEVER happens anymore. How many times do you go to a restaurant to see an entire family looking at their phones instead of enjoying their meal together? Oh they are in close proximity to each other physically, but they are not together. They are in their own worlds of technological choice.

We are stuck in front of a screen be it TV, tablet, computer or phone for much or our days and because of this, we have lost touch with the people we love. And I’m not saying I’m against technology. I mean, I’m coming to you from a screen after all. But what I’m saying is that we should have balance in our lives. Let’s make time for the people we love. Actually eat supper and talk to each other while we eat! It doesn’t matter so much what we choose to eat at night as much as how we share the time. Let’s enjoy each other’s company without anything or more specifically, any device coming between us.

Life is largely about relationships and I feel that we are losing the art of relationship because of technology. We’re truly missing out on a huge part of life — our in-person relationships. I want to be more purposeful with my life, and or course, that starts with choices. How do I choose to spend my time? When I’m with someone, am I really with them, or on my phone or other device? Do I make time for friendships? Do I have balance in my life? More decisions, but these are the truly important ones.

I will go further here with technology and devices aside, we have the choice to bring more joy into our lives, simply by the choosing. When we awake each day, we all have circumstances that aren’t ideal. Let’s work around them and make the best of what we have. Let’s not compare with what we could have, but focus on those good things that we already have right in front of us. If we focus on the good in our lives, I know we will be more happy than if we focused on the bad. It’s really a simple choice.

Let’s decide to treat every single day as a gift, because it is. Using our abilities to make our own lives and the lives of others just a bit better for having made good choices day by day.

Now with that said, what are you having for supper and will you have your phone on the table? It’s your choice.

Sending my best,


Connie Wyatt

Fine artist and nature photographer.


Peace Lives Here


This Is Who You Are